My-life Tuesday

As usual It was a fairly uneventful 7 days past,I have discovered that I’m more passive than most guys I know but surprisingly I’m not too far behind in terms of achievements, maybe I just know how to make good use of my short active periods or maybe I’m just a little lucky.

Basically i don’t believe in running around trying to put my hands on everything, I prefer to lay back and take things easy and slow, and I believe it’s best to outsource and delegate most things in your life to others while taking full control of the few things that matter like, Wealth, Health, Lifestyle and women. These are the things I think every man should really put his energy and effort into and master these four areas of his life.

In view of my definite chief aim:”To be able to live my life completely Free from compelling human influences, to wake up in the morning knowing that this day, I do not have to follow anyone’s rules. Being able to act and take all my decisions without having to check-in or take permission from anyone. While maintaining a healthy lifestyle and living standards”. And the goals I’ve set for myself, I was able to take baby steps towards the actualization of my ideal life, but sadly most of the days were spent on activities that add nothing to my mission, this is usually the case for anyone who has a job.

  • Financial freedom: for anyone to achieve financial freedom through his own day to day efforts, he has to be spending less than his income. And investing in profitable enterprises if he desires to make the process a little faster.

Through the last seven days, I was able to spend less than my earnings and I kept my myself motivated about realizing this dream.

Though not satisfied with the gap between my expenditure and estimated income, I am still happy that the motion though slow is very much better than backward movement.

  • Authority freedom: For me to achieve authority freedom as I define it, I must master a way to offer value in exchange for money,I must own my means of production and I must have sufficient presence and charisma.

Fortunately, I work at a job in a field I intend to start a business in (Architecture and Construction) so it’s a win win for me, the firm I work with pays me while they train me, isn’t that cool?.

I was able to make progress with mastering this career, I got closer on a personal level with my bosses ( who have years of experience in the field). I took valuable notes from our discussions.

I was able to improve my charisma and leadership ability by taking on mini projects on my own, supervising and engaging in it hands on.

As a plus I also started reading a book about mastering yourself and going free from the various tricks society use to put a man in chains.

So I have moved forward with authority freedom and actually improved my chances of making it a reality in my life very soon, I’m excited.

  • Great body: This is the area I’m usually more passionate about, I have an amazing shirtless body and it feels good.

My current goal with my body is to increase my size and weight tremendously, sadly I’ve been unable to follow my workout routine due to fever I had to deal with during most of the week, but on Monday I was able to get rolling again, awesome.

This week, I’ll be hitting Authority freedom, Financial freedom and great body hard this week and it’s going to be very productive. Great Body has been the area I have always been motivated to work on (I suspect that it’s because it’s one of the few areas I can work on completely alone without interference or working with anyone)

I’ll be using hitting the other areas (financial and authority freedom too) regardless of my feelings. I’ve read from one of my mentors that success requires dedication not motivation, dedication is showing up and doing what you have to do regardless of how you feel. Meanwhile motivation is relying on your momentary feelings to get shit done.

I’ll leave with this quote from Invictus,I guess.

“Out of the night that covers me, black as the pit from pole to pole;

I thank whatever gods may be for my unconquerable soul;

In the fell clutch of circumstances, I have neither winced nor cried aloud;

Under the bludgeonings of chance, my head is bloodied but unbowed;

Beyond this place of wrath and tears looms but the horrors of the shade;

But the menace of the years finds and shall find me unafraid;

It matters not how strait the gait or how charged with punishment the scroll;

I am the master of my fate,I am the captain of my soul.


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